Friday, March 11, 2011

Do not Google medical terms.

Here you go Jess, you have basically begged me for three days to enter the blogging world and so I am doing it. I guess I will take your advice and turn this into a book when the time is right. Jessica is my sister, who was at my most recent neurological appointment along with my parents. Let me tell you, if you have never experienced a stressful wait as finding out the results from a brain and spine MRI that took three hours and two Valium, be thankful. Valium because I'm claustrophobic, and three hours of spinal and brain MRI's because I have not ran in about four years.

About four years ago, I was living in Norman, Oklahoma with my ex husband. We had five dogs in our house. Two that were ours, two that were my moms, and one that was his mothers. A mutt, Gizmo, wow I miss that dog. He was dirty, stinky, and fun all in one. I guess that is the case for most dogs. Two Yorkshire terriers, a pit bull with the most gorgeous blue eyes, and a weenie dog. All of them were escape artists, and although they would run away they would always come back. I am telling you this because It was a mad house to say the least. We did not regularly have this many dogs, just ended up dog sitting them all at once. Only the pit bull and the mutt were ours.

As anyone knows it is windy in Oklahoma, we are in tornado alley for goodness sakes. Not only is it windy but we have the most unpredictable weather. It will be hot as hell, or cold and icy and those could occur with in days apart. In 2006 we had a horrible ice storm. I remember it well. Trees were frozen and snapping all over town. It sounded like a war outside. When a tree snapped, you would have thought another bomber had dropped another bomb miles or even blocks away. The neighbors house behind ours had a huge tree that happened to do just that. I am telling you this because it was around this time in my life when I realized something was not right. Unfortunately when it snapped, it fell on our fence. And guess what the dogs did when they realized this? They Ran.

I have never been so relieved to hear the words that I heard two days ago in the office of my second neurologist, Dr. Charles Morgan. Some might think it is ridiculous for me to think so, but in my case, and that day, I was. After years of worrying, praying, anxiety attacks, begging for answers, and unexplained medical issues, I was told that I had multiple sclerosis. The reason I am relieved to hear that I had this life changing illness, was because I would rather have this, something controllable and in my case curable, than an inoperable brain tumor. The reason I say don't Google medical stuff is number one because my dad told me not to, it is crap and always gives the worse examples. Number two because Dr. Morgan also told me not to. If you ask any doctor they will tell you not to. So my advise to you "Don't Google medical things" Curable you ask? Yes, I believe that God will cure this disease. Why? Because I have faith in Him.

My friend Noah Cooley is such an inspiration to me. I had asked him to pray for me because if you want to know, this man has stronger faith than most people I know. I wrote him a message asking for prayers and mentioned that I was worried and scared. He wrote back plainly "FIRE FALL DOWN!". Take it as you want. I know that coming from him it meant the following things: "Satan, get the hell away from my dear friends thoughts and body!", OR "Holy Spirit fall down on my friend." Most likely now that I think about it, Noah meant both and probably more. After that message I texted him and thanked him for the prayers and went on to say praise God I have MS, not something like an inoperable brain tumor. Noah replied saying "Erica, disease is NOT from our God. He will cure it just have faith He will." And so my focus has gone from thanking God for answering my prayers of wanting something controllable to having faith that God will heal this disease. Not only in me but anyone else who believes.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! This was a great start to a great blog and a wonderful book. I am so proud of you and I can't wait to share this experience with you... maybe one day, you will even let me be your book editor!

    With all the love my heart can give,
    Your Sister
